Supporting Māori to meet their needs and aspirations
Māori-owned agribusinesses are significant producers of food and fibre. We want to support them to make the most of their primary sector assets. This will help whānau meet their needs and aspirations through their whenua.
Our support of their leadership role within the primary industries will also help them transition to a low-emissions future.
Find out more about Māori agribusiness
Video: Helping Māori to improve the performance of their land (7.35)
Transcript - show/hide
[This video is narrated off-screen, while the concepts are illustrated in real-time on a white drawing board.]
Narrator: Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua – As man disappears from sight, the land remains.
It's important for Māori that the land is retained throughout generations – that's whakapapa; that the important relationship Māori have with the land is recognised – that's whanaungatanga; and that Māori can act as guardians of the land's natural and physical resources – that's kaitiakitanga.
Māori will want these values observed when dealing with the estimated ten point 6 billion dollars in primary sector assets that Māori hold.
MPI partners with Māori to grow and protect these assets. This helps to further grow the New Zealand economy.
MPI has worked with a number of Māori land owners to help them achieve their aspirations on their terms, bringing together smaller land blocks to build economic scale for the benefit of their mokopuna.
So how does this happen?
For Whaea Tui, and most Māori for that matter, land or whenua is taonga tuku iho – a treasure that has been passed down through generations.
Whaea Tui remembers stories of a time when her whānau farmed and lived off their land. Over time whānau has ceased to control the use of their land. Now she wonders what could happen if the land in her area came together. Could this build the assets of the whānau, so that they can manage their land themselves, make decisions on its use and provide for the benefit of her mokopuna?
Whaea Tui is determined and driven, which is a great start! But what's got her stumped is figuring out all the different pieces of the puzzle.
This is where MPI can help, with staff on the ground across the country working with Māori who have asked the exact same question as Whaea Tui.
From these interactions MPI has identified six key steps that have resulted in Māori successfully bringing together smaller land blocks, and are on hand to help Whaea Tui explore her options.
Step 1: Establish a project group ("1000 cups of tea")
Firstly Whaea Tui needs to go out and talk to people on the surrounding land blocks. Typically they'll be whānau leaders, trustees of land owning groups or key influencers in the groups. Many call this the thousand cups of tea stage.
She'll need to sit with the group and discuss what opportunities might be available. These considerations will be everything from discussing the current state of the land to how to best govern that land. If Whaea Tui needs help getting the right people involved, or figuring out the ins-and-outs of what needs to be considered, she can give MPI a call. When some or all of the group are ready, they can move forward.
Step 2: Strategic Planning
Back around the table, the next step for Whaea Tui and the Whānau Leaders Group is to develop a plan. This fleshes out the aspirations and objectives of the group and all parties they represent.
Development of the plan would identify what the group wants to achieve. Goals like developing the land and establishing a good business, creating education and employment opportunities for whānau, controlling the development of their land, or simply wanting to leave something behind for the next generation.
While MPI can help with strategic planning and bringing this process together, figuring out their aspirations is what Whaea Tui and the Whānau Leaders Group need to flesh out on their own.
Step 3: Feasibility study
Once the plan reflects the group's aspirations for their land, it's time to put the land to the test. A feasibility study will determine the best use of the land, and provide enough information for the group to discuss the next best steps forward. It also helps to make the proposed options more real if the group visits the land and gets to visualise in person what is being discussed.
MPI knows some great farm consultants who can help kick off this feasibility study, and MPI can also put Whaea Tui in touch with Māori who've taken the same journey and are more than happy to share their knowledge. It's worth a mention that after all this advice and consideration, Whaea Tui and the group may decide not to go ahead.
Step 4: Get owners on board
If Whaea Tui and the group want to continue with one or more of the options, the next step is to explain the opportunity to the wider group, and it's likely you'll be drinking more tea.
It can be challenging to get others to understand the benefits of building economic scale, and still be comfortable with the risks that are involved. This is where MPI can help Whaea Tui to explain the benefits and risks, and bring into the loop Māori who have taken the same journey to share their experiences.
Step 5: Governance Structure Set-up
So Whaea Tui's got everyone to agree to move forward with an option for their land. Great! Believe it or not that's a lot of the hard work done and dusted. The next step is to put the right people into the right positions to make sure this venture runs as smoothly and successfully as possible.
Here is a great opportunity to position whānau alongside the knowledge holders in key positions, so they can learn the tricks of the trade as the venture progresses. What's most important here is adopting a governance structure that ensures all parties retain ownership to the whenua that is important to them. This is where MPI can put Whaea Tui in touch with experts who can make sure this happens.
Step 6: Operational Set-up
Once Whaea Tui has her ducks in a row, the rest will fall out of the planning. Whatever option the group has decided to go with will now require set-up and infrastructure, whether it be in:
- mānuka plantations
- sheep and beef farming
- wheat and barley cropping
- timber harvesting, or
- dairy farming.
MPI has networks right across the primary industries who will be able to help Whaea Tui every step of the way.
So there it is, 6 key steps that MPI can help you with, to bring smaller land blocks together and build economic scale, for the benefit of your mokopuna:
- Establish a project group
- Strategic planning
- Completing a feasibility study
- Getting owners on board
- Setting up a governance structure
- Setting up operations
If you want to explore what options might be possible for your whenua, on your terms, don't hesitate to get in touch.
[Logo: Ministry for Primary Industries.]
[End of transcript]
Supporting a Māori-led, low-emissions future

The climate and water team is one of 5 teams in the Māori agribusiness directorate in Tapuae Ahuwhenua (MPI's Agriculture and Investment Services business unit), supporting the realisation of aspirations for whenua Māori.
The effects of a changing climate are already being felt on whenua Māori and by the Māori primary sector. Our programmes will be designed to enable Māori landowners and agribusinesses to understand and then respond to the challenges, now and into the future, drawing on tikanga and mātauranga ā-rohe.
⊕ Help Māori landowners and agribusinesses build knowledge and skills around a low-emissions future that complements their tikanga and mātauranga.
⊕ Facilitate access to advisers, experts, and services to help deliver long-term sustainable emissions practices and models for whenua Māori.
⊕ Provide Māori landowners and agribusinesses with a clear understanding of available funding and support options and how to access them.
⊕ Māori-led development of research and development projects, approaches, tools and other resources to help Māori landowners and agribusinesses transition to a low-emissions future
⊕ Gather information and insights from Māori landowners and agribusinesses on effective low-emissions options for whenua Māori.
Become part of the team

Principal and senior advisers working in the climate and water team have a diverse role. It can include working on the design and development of the programmes, through to working closely with regional Māori agribusiness staff to deliver projects that contribute to the success of key programmes.
Regional kaiārahi advisory roles may include working on the development and delivery of pilot projects in the first year, through to working closely with regional Māori agribusiness staff and Māori landowners, agribusinesses and entities, to deliver their projects according to their tikanga and mātauranga.
Who to contact
If you have questions about becoming part of the team, email